El Morya's Zen Zingers

El Morya's Zen Zingers

Enlightened & Humorous Quips For Today

by David Christopher Lewis

In the tradition of what Master El Morya released a century ago in the Agni Yoga teachings, the great Mahatma (“M”), who worked with Kuthumi (“K.H.”) to inspire Blavatsky, Olcott and Judge in 1875 to co-found Theosophy, telepath to a 21st Century amanuensis name David Christopher Lewis these pithy wisdom pearls that he calls spiritual quips. Each zinger may confound our carnal mind and/or lead us to a state of greater levity and laughter.

Keep your wits amongst others’ snits.
Fill your mind with emptiness.
I know who you aren’t.
Knowing the ropes requires none around your neck.
We resist those who insist.
Spiritual flight is governed by light.
Fame sought off comes to naught.
The infirm should not lead you into battle.
The final ascent, though intense, is full of prana.

Release Date: March 18, 2025
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-63625-921-5

  • 5.5” x 8.5”
  • weight 13 oz.
  • 168 pages
  • $15.00

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Print version available, kindle coming soon
Kindle version $9.99

The Ascension Revelations

The Ascension Revelations

Serapis Bey on the Mystery of Eternal Life

by David Christopher Lewis

Mankind is becoming ever more intrigued by the term ascension, which, denotes a victorious overcoming of gravity or negative karma resulting in liberation from rebirth and reunion with the Divine. The Holy Bible shares three examples of this miraculous event (Enoch, Elijah and Jesus) and in Buddhism this final overcoming often results in the manifestation of the “rainbow body.”

In this epic work, David Christopher Lewis shares deep insights from the ascended master Serapis Bey, who continues to teach and train candidates for the ascension in an etheric retreat and temple of light over Luxor, Egypt. These candidates have qualified for this greatest of initiations through purity of heart, selflessness, sacrificial service and total forgiveness of others and self through compassionate and empathic love.

The teachings of Serapis on mindfulness and developing an enlightened consciousness move us to discover within ourselves greater divine light and progressive wisdom in order to accelerate our lives toward our own Self-realization and eternal freedom.

Release Date: September, 2024
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-63625-919-2

  • 5.5” x 8.5”
  • weight 14 oz.
  • 360 pages
  • $20.00

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Kindle version $9.99

Joy on Your Inner Journey

Joy on Your Inner Journey

Daily Meditations on Conscious Living

by David Christopher Lewis

These daily meditations provide inspiration to enter a sanctum of love, inner peace, joy, harmony and oneness with your Presence, your Buddha nature, God and the divinity within all life.

"The expression of joy is one that brings beautiful spiritual upliftment to all. If we can maintain a state of joy, we magnetize the violet light, just as the violet light magnetizes joy. What is it about the bubbly, effervescent energy of the violet light that magnifies joy? It truly is love at its core. For where there is love, there is happiness; where there is compassion, there is understanding, which brings joy into all situations; and where there is charity, there is naturally a certain levity. It has been said that it is better to give than to receive, and yet we must be able to receive in order to give. There is a tai-chi action of charity whereby when we give, we are blessed by charity and joy and we ourselves feel upliftment in the very process of giving and emanating light."
— February 7th

Release Date: April 24, 2024
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-63625-917-8

  • 5” x 7”
  • weight 6 oz.
  • 400 pages
  • $12.95

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Kindle version $9.99

Kuan Yin

Kuan Yin

on Mercy, Forgiveness and the Bodhisattva Path

by David Christopher Lewis

Kuan Yin shares her wisdom and love to move us forward to walk the bodhisattva path and fulfill our divine mission on Earth. She speaks of the grace and compassion of mercy, of how mercy is the greatest form of justice and how to accept the flame of mercy in our hearts as a transformative power and life-changing virtue.

“Mercy is required for true healing at all levels of consciousness. The mercy flame impels each being to see the divine within all. The voice of mercy-peace will help end war upon Earth even while mercifcul, compassionate communication is key to ending all conflict.”

Within these sixty poignant HeartStreams Kuan Yin unveils for all the mystical path of mercy, bodhicitta and bodhi-sattva love. You do not have to be a Buddhist to enjoy the Presence and powerful radiance of Avalokitasvara, another name for beloved Kuan Yin.

Includes 15 original images of Kuan Yin by David Keil.

Release Date: December 31, 2023
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-63625-929-1

  • 5” x 7”
  • weight 8 oz.
  • 289 pages
  • $15.00

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Kindle version $9.99

Jesus' Jewels of Joy

Jesus' Jewels of Joy

New Revelations from the Prince of Peace

by David Christopher Lewis

Jesus shares the jewels of his heart

In this delightful treatise, Jesus imparts inspiring, compelling and humorous teachings on joy. He states that “the song of the Christ is the same worlds without end—and that song is joy. Through joy, perfect access to the Father’s heart is won; for God is joy even as God is love.

Thus, when you say, ‘I AM God’s awareness of Joy where I AM,’ Joy’s angels come to embrace you with that joy-spirit in greater measure because you have partaken of the divine world in this perfect and holy relationship with your Source.”

Let your joy be as overflowing as the river of life that streams over the chasm in a great waterfall of fiery crystalline energy, washing clean all in its path. Magnify the Lord through joy. Gratify souls by joy. Amplify light through joy!


Release Date: March 2023
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-63625-929-1

  • 5” x 7”
  • weight 5 oz.
  • 184 pages
  • $9.95

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Kindle version $5.99

Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy, Volume 2

Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy, Volume 2

Discover Alchemical Formulas for the Aquarian Age

by David Christopher Lewis

Saint Germain, the avatar of the Aquarian Age and exponent of freedom for all, continues to share his insights on higher alchemy with students of light the world round. He reveals that alchemy is both a mystical science and a divine art that we can all engage in to Self-realize our true nature in God. Make your life alchemical and magical by love! Commune with heaven and receive keys to live a victorious life. When we wed ourselves to Spirit, all is clear; and then life becomes serene, majestic and even miraculous. Saint Germain teaches us to express divine love and master the science of inner beingness so that together we will co-create a world of freedom, enlightenment, peace and prosperity.

Includes 15 color illustrations by David Keil.


Release Date: November 2022
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-63625-927-7

  • 5” x 7”
  • weight 13.3 oz.
  • 368 pages
  • $19.95

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Kindle version $9.99

Mother Mary's Messages

Mother Mary's Messages

Holiness, Healing and Hope for the New Age, Volume 1

by David Christopher Lewis

Mother Mary’s messages are of great relevance in these challenging times. She calls us to prayer, holiness and reflection on our inner lives. In each message, she lifts us up in Spirit and encourages us with her loving, immaculate heart and perfect vision to see life from a higher perspective and with a more compassionate and loving attitude toward all. Her teachings open the door to transforming our lives and world.

“Balance is the key for you today. When you stay fully centered in the balanced flame of love, wisdom and power, nothing can move you from that state wherein you hear the voices of angels and the whisperings and musings of God's heart.”

“Unconditional love is the love of the Mother, born from the heights of the melting snows that course and egress through the many rivulets and waterways of God's consciousness—namely all of His creatures throughout His vast creation.”

“When you know the Source, you shall know that there is always enough abundance for all, as the eternal cycling of the Mother's outpicturing of the Father's gift are outplayed through all of nature's majesty.”

Includes 15 original images of Mother Mary by David Keil.

Release Date: February 2022
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-63625-925-3

  • 5½” x 8½”
  • weight 8.5 oz.
  • 288 pages
  • $19.95

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Kindle version $9.99

Love on the Path Home

Love on the Path Home

Daily Meditations on Living in Presence

by David Christopher Lewis

These daily meditations provide inspiration to enter a sanctum of love, inner peace, joy, harmony and oneness with your Presence, your Buddha nature, God and the divinity within all life.

We pray that you will be elevated in awareness as your spirit sparkles a bit more brightly each day to bring hope, compassion and peace to a world’s people still reeling as a result of recent events. Let us move forward lovingly into a new era of true brother-sisterhood, freedom and spiritual unity, East and West! —David Christopher Lewis.

"Love is the divine order of the New Day and you live within it. Love is the way out of your issues, problems and burdens if you are willing to enter into that divine-love state of being, integrated in God, affording God the opportunity to breathe through you, to live through you and to emanate love through you. Where love is present, all division ceases. Where love is bestowed, grace is fulfilled. Where love is taught, truth prevails. When love is at the center of your life, your life has meaning. When your life is rich in love, you have discerned your purpose for being here."
December 17th

Release Date: June 2021
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-63625-933-8

  • 5" x 7"
  • weight 6 oz.
  • 392 pages
  • $12.95

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Kindle version $9.99

Angels, Angels, Angels!

Angels, Angels, Angels!

Messages for Today from Heavenly Friends

by David Christopher Lewis

Angels are beautiful, bright beings of light whose charge is to amplify the feelings and the divine emotions of God. They are also messengers of God who deliver to mankind guidance, hope and understanding as well as graces, virtues and blessings. They inspire us, assist us and raise our consciousness; they save us from peril and danger. They are our servitors and our wonderful divine friends, always available to us.

We learn in messages from over forty angels that we are always encouraged to call to our friends of light for greater assistance and that, by invitation, they are always available to help us through any crisis, difficult situation or even in our daily activities. Our lives may become much more sublime and joyous as the precious angels interact with us to lighten our load and inspire us in so many ways. In communion with the angels our lives are happier and more fruitful.

Includes 24 color illustrations of Angels by David Keil.

Release Date: November 2020
Trade Paperback
ISBN 978-1-63625-931-4

  • 5½” x  8½”
  • weight 13.2 oz.
  • 344 pages
  • $19.95

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Kindle version $9.99

Wisdom Teaching of the Lords of the Seven Rays

Wisdom Teaching of the Lords of the Seven Rays

with The Maha Chohan

by David Christopher Lewis

The Lords of the Seven Rays are divine beings who offer profound teachings and revelations to guide mankind forward in our spiritual progress, leading us upward into the light of divine love. Their teachings inspire us to do the inner spiritual work that will facilitate our entrée into an Aquarian Age of enlightenment, brother/sisterhood, and true personal and planetary freedom. This book offers candid insights from these masters of wisdom of East and West, including their mentor, The Maha Chohan, representative of the Holy Spirit. Clairaudient and spiritual teacher David Christopher Lewis began receiving their teachings and radiation in June 2004 through what the masters call HeartStreams, and this compilation of their instruction is a landmark release of truth, lovingly crafted to help us meet today’s challenges.

“Day by day, you are seeing the increase of the light of your Presence shining within your world. Your world is God’s world, for it has ever been so, and there is no division between heaven and earth except in man’s consciousness unwed to God. And so today I would help to remold you in God’s image and also to wed you, through greater fire, to that divine matrix of light who you have always been in the God-reality of your being—your glorious Divine (Higher) Self, or, as some have called it, your Buddha nature.” —Saint Germain

Includes 8 color illustrations of the Lords of the Rays by David Keil.

Release Date: November 2019
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9972206-4-3

  • 5½” x  8½”
  • weight 11.9 oz.
  • 312 pages
  • $19.95

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Kindle version $9.99

Light on the Path

Light on the Path

Inspiration for Each Day of the Year

by David Christopher Lewis

A Welcome Balm for Your soul!
These inspirational messages will add a ray of illumination, comfort and blessing to your life as you chose to enter the path of light and commune with the Divine each day. Start off your day with a stroll into the light!

The power to transform our lives lies within our free will choices to change course, to walk in the light, and push forward without hesitancy or fear. Our ascended elder brothers and sisters learned and mastered the art of oneness with God through loving service and virtuous giving to mankind. Since the pure in heart shall see God, we must constantly strive to develop greater purity of consciousness by focusing upon the light of eternal love that beats within every heart.

Release Date: December 2017
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9972206-4-3

  • 4½” x  6.25”
  • weight 8.7 oz.
  • 400 pages
  • $12.95

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Kindle version $9.99

Living a Soulful Life

Living a Soulful Life, Volume 1

Afra’s New Teaching on Love, Brotherhood, and Freedom

by David Christopher Lewis


Afra, the divine patron of Africa, exemplifies universal brother/sisterhood and embodies the flame of freedom. In this book, he reveals how to connect fully to the light and fabric of our souls. His stories, revelations, and insights—from past civilizations through modern times—show us how to reconnect with the Divine for personal and planetary unity and enlightenment.  

Read this book to quicken an awakening of your soul—and experience harmony, peace, and freedom in your life in new and powerful ways!

Includes 16 beautiful color plates from Canadian artist Slava Kolesar

Release Date: December 2015
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9818863-8-1

  • 5½” x  8½”
  • weight 8 oz.
  • 280 pages
  • $18.95

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Kindle version $9.99

Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy, Volume 1

Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy, Volume1

HeartStreaming in the Aquarian Age

by David Christopher Lewis


Saint Germain has been called the Wonderman of Europe, the Master Alchemist, the Avatar of Aquarius and the God of Love to the Earth. He comes today to initiate spiritual aspirants into the deeper mysteries of divine truth through up-to-date teachings on advanced alchemy.

This book is for those who would know the eternal flame of love and master the science of inner being to bring about a world of freedom, enlightenment, peace and prosperity.

“The radiance of the heart is the alchemical key in all experiments of the spirit. When you fully realize the intensity of this flame nothing shall be impossible unto you. Your life will take on a miraculous aura of peace and divine ecstasy which is almost indescribable. Your inner knowing and growth will be most tangible to you and also to those around you.” —Saint Germain

Alchemy is the ancient science of spirit through which inner transformation takes place: the lead of our lower nature is transmuted in the gold of our true, divine Selfhood. In this inspired work Saint Germain releases new formulas for our lives today that assist us in raising our consciousness and accelerating enlightened love through what he calls heartstreaming.

Includes 16 color illustrations by visionary artist Mario Duguay

Release Date: August 2013
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9818863-5-0

  • 5½” x  8½”
  • weight 13.28 oz.
  • 360 pages
  • $19.95

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Kindle version $9.99

Advanced Studies of the Human Aura

Advanced Studies of the Human Aura

How to Charge Your Energy Field with Light and Spiritual Radiance

by David Christopher Lewis


This important new book takes studies of the aura to an exciting new level. It reveals that the aura is more than just a colorful energy field around all living things. It can be a powerful resonator for both personal and global transformation.

Includes beautiful color plates from French-Canadian visionary artist Mario Duguay.

Release Date: August 2013
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9818863-2-9

  • 5½” x 8½”
  • weight 8oz.
  • 278 pages
  • $16.95

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Print and kindle versions available
Kindle version $9.99

Mother Mary's Missions

Mother Mary's Missions

Messages from the Divine Mother

On Pilgrimage to California’s 21 Spanish Missions

with David Christopher Lewis

This chronicle of an eight-day pilgrimage to the original 21 Spanish Missions in California interweaves the history and original purpose of the missions with new revelations from Mother Mary and other ascended masters.

Inspiring new teachings on many topics are brought to light for our lives and for the world. Experience the radiance of Mother Mary’s teachings for today.

Includes black and white photos and illustrations.

Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9818863-4-3

  • 6" x 9"
  • weight 17oz.
  • 247 pages
  • $19.95

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Now, Zen and Always

Now, Zen and Always

El Morya's Treasury of Spiritual Quips

by David Christopher Lewis

In the tradition of Zen Masters, El Morya concentrates tremendous light and wisdom into Jewels of thought. Humor and wit combine with insight and transcendence in these pithy wordplays.

Have you had your daily infusion of light and fun? If not, meditate on any of Morya's 1200 quips.

ISBN: 978-0-9818863-0-5

  • 4" x 6"
  • weight 6.2 oz.
  • 184 pages
  • $12.95

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Healing the Heart of the World

Healing the Heart of the World

Harnessing the Power of Intention to Change Your Life and Your Planet

with David Christopher Lewis

Inspired writings by 40 of the top spirit-based thinkers on the planet today. Including Chapters by David Lewis, Prince Charles, John Gray, Caroline Myss, Jean Shinoda Bolen, George Leonard, Fritjof Capra and Dean Ornish.

DAVID LEWIS and MICHAEL McNEIL: HeartStreaming: The Mind of God at Work

Inviting divine intelligence to co-create with us solutions that leap the bounds of human logic and awareness. David and Michael reveal the five keys to initiating a successful heartstreaming session, moving a group from a place of reasoning with their minds to finding the magic that springs from a shared heart.

ISBN: 978-0971088856

  • 1" x 6.3" x 9.1"
  • weight 1.4 lbs.
  • 390 pages
  • $15.36

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For information about the organization co-founded by David, visit www.heartscenter.org.

For information about spiritual courses taught by David, visit www.meruuniversity.org.